Friday, April 13, 2012

Fighting sin? Are you indeed with Him and Him with you?

The King of Kings - The Source of Salvation.
The LORD of lords. The Source of Life
He is highly exulted. I have seen Him with my eyes!

The evidence that you have been truly saved is that you walk with Christ by faith, your life is 
changing everyday towards his, and you are fighting against sin.

We are lying when we say we walk with Christ but actually walk in spiritual darkness(1 John 1:5-6). Fighting sin 
involves repenting of the things that we have just discovered as sin, and never to give in 
How can you walk with Jesus yet holding hands with the devil? How can you walk in the darkness yet the Light lives in you?What union does Jesus has with the devil? What union does the darkness has with the Light?(2 Cor 6:14-18). 

You say, I can tell lies because there is grace. Should we keep sinning so that God can show us more and more of His grace?(Rom 6), Off course not! We were regenerated to be like Christ. Have you not read that Christ was tempted like us but never sinned?(Hebrews 4:15), but if we do sin, He will forgive only if we repent. 

Are you fighting sin? This merciful forgiveness is not to excuse your lustful desires, lies , sexual immoralities , and your sinful nature, but to grow in Christ by leaving all sin nailed on the cross, and never to take them back - through Faith, and only faith in Christ. If you still do the same sin over and over and over again,not because you are trying to stop but because you are trusting in his blood - so you may always ask for forgiveness,then first check if you are truly walking with Him. Is it His hand that makes you that playful or is the devil's ?.

That is, check if you are truly saved. For we know you cannot serve two masters(Matt 6:24). You serve the kingdom from below because the kingdom from above can forgive? Repentance is not a way of misusing the grace by excusing your sins, but rather, it is correction of lifestyle with reference to Christ's, through the pure blood poured out on the cross. Remain in Him, and He shall remain in you(John 15:4). In the truth, I love you. Remain united in the Love from Christ

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